2015哈佛工程和应用科学学院年度设计与项目展示会:一场科学与娱乐碰撞的盛宴。(The annual SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences) Design and Project Fair is where science and fun collide.)
布莱恩·孟德尔和安塞尔·达夫在展示他们设计的吉他扩音器。(Brian Mendel ’15 (left) and Ansel Duff ’15 demonstrate the guitar amplifier they designed.)
Jesus Romo在展会上为大家提供爆米花。(Jesus Romo serves popcorn at the SEAS Design and Project Fair.)
Joe Pappas骑着一个“巡洋舰”——很轻且最低耗电的单座车。(Joe Pappas ’17 rides the Crimson Cruiser, a lightweight go-kart designed to run on minimal electrical energy.)
3D打印机打出来的霓虹灯大象在炫目夺彩的展示。(Neon elephants produced by a 3-D printer make a bright display.)
Elaine Kristant,一位高级机械系统实验工程师,她在讨论沙箱中的三维造型技术。(Elaine Kristant, senior mechanical and systems lab engineer, discusses contouring technology in a sandbox.)
学院临时主任Harry R. Lewis颁奖给Stephanie Warner 十大优秀荣誉奖项,因为她在生物工程研究中杰出工作。(Stephanie Warner ’15 receives one of 10 honorable mention awards for outstanding work in bioengineering from Harry R. Lewis, the interim dean at SEAS.)
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